Monday, February 22, 2010


As I am in the final days (9) preparing to embark on this trip of a lifetime I am struggling to find time to sit down and think about what I am truly going to get out of this trip. I was not planning on writing a blog today, however, I felt as though I needed to.

After attending several team meetings and sending countless amounts of emails to team members who have been on this trip before, I still find myself not knowing what to expect. I find myself taking the information I have absorbed over the past few months and only being able to imagine what Africa will be like, what I will truly be doing there, how I will react to being in a place where people have so little, what are the people like, will I be safe, and the thoughts go on and on.

As I was treating my clothes that I will be taking to Africa with me today, I was listening to music off of my Ipod, a song came on that I haven't heard in a while called "I Can Only Imagine." I paused for a second and listened to the words and thought to myself how perfect these lyrics were. It was a song that expressed exactly what I was thinking and feeling. No matter how much "preparing" you do and how much other team members tell me about their previous trips to Sierra Leone, I can truly only imagine what it will be like and what I "think" I will get out of this experience. One thing I am sure of is that that I am going there to learn, to grow, and to expand my horizons. In what ways will that happen? I will find out over the course of the next several weeks.

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